Oboe Holiday 2015
June 15 – 19
Facilitated by George Corbett
Oboe/English Horn, Virginia Symphony Orchestra
Class Schedule (subject to change)
Monday, June 16, 12-5 PM
12:00 PM Discussion 101: Introductions, Evaluations and Goals
1:00 PM Discussion 201: Introduction to LIMITED vs. UNLIMITED SELF
2:30 PM Specialty: The Piece as a Whole presented by Lee Jordan-Anders
3:30 PM Repertoire Class with Lee Jordan-Anders, piano
5:15 PM * Reed-Making for Beginners
Tuesday, June 17, 12-5 PM
11-12 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders, lessons with George Corbett
12:00 PM Exercise 101: Creating good warm-up and practice habits
1:00 PM Discussion 202: Neutralizing Performance Stressors
2:00 PM Breathing 101: The Breathing Mechanism
3:30 PM Repertoire Class
5-6 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders, lessons with George Corbett
Wednesday, June 18, 12-5 PM
11-12 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders, lessons with George Corbett
10-12 PM * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton
12:00 PM Exercise 101: Creating good warm-up and practice habits
1:00 PM Reed Class: Choosing the right reed
2:00 PM Breathing 201: Awakening the Breath
3:30 PM Repertoire Class
5-9 PM * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton
5-6 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders, lessons with George Corbett
Thursday, June 19, 12-5 PM
11-12 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders, lessons with George Corbett
10-12 PM * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton
12:00 PM Exercise 101: Creating good warm-up and practice habits
12:45 PM Oboe Maintenance and Repairs
Presented by Brian Seaton of North American Oboe House
3:30 PM Repertoire Class
5-9 PM * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton
5-6 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders, lessons with George Corbett
Friday, June 20, 12-4, 5:30-7:30 PM
12:00 PM Repertoire Class at Lee’s house/performance location
2:30 PM Discussion 203: Meditations/Exercises to develop Unlimited Self
4:00 PM Discussion 101: Review of self evaluations and reed touch-ups
7:00 PM Student Recital and Reception
Oboe Holiday 2015
Class Description and Fees**
Entire series: $450
By day: $85
Breathing 101: The Breathing Mechanism
Materials: Information packet, Breath Builder ($15), Conable: The Structures
and Movement of Breathing ($8).
This class will review the Body Mapping of the breathing apparatus to gain awareness of movement during breathing as well as develop basic breathing skills for performance, greater focus and relaxation…good for the performer and non-performer alike! Learn the essentials of a three-part breath as well as the use and function of our 3 diaphragms. Exercises on the Breath Builder show how one can develop better breath control. Multiple exercises are presented to teach the participant how to free the breath.
Breathing 102: Awakening the Breath
Materials: Your body and a clear mind!
The focus here will be on activating better breathing, especially in preparation for performance. Various techniques to energize the breathing mechanism for optimal performance function and support are presented, especially the raising of the ribs.
Discussion 101: Introductions, Evaluations and Goals
Materials: Journal, Pencil…and an open mind!
This class is geared towards celebrating yourself by learning to be your own guide by evaluating your own growth as well as setting yourself on a path for not only the week but also for your year! You will definitely learn how to level out your playing abilities.
Discussion 101: Review of self evaluations and reed touch-ups
Materials: Journal, pencil…and your willingness to be present!
By keeping the focus on the learning, students will get a chance to share what they have learned with their individual process as well as from their colleagues. We will tie into that all of the topics presented during the week as well as review individual goal. I personally touch-up any reeds needed for the student recital.
Discussion 201: Introduction to LIMITED vs. UNLIMITED SELF
Materials: Your perceptions and potential!
This is very unique way to look at oneself with the intention of major growth. We all put limitations in front of ourselves like hurdles or obstacles. While they do serve a purpose often we get overly comfortable with them, which puts limitations on our growth. We will develop a method to help overcome them in an effort to overcome our own resistance.
Discussion 202: Neutralizing Performance Stressors
Materials: ALL OF THE STRESS THAT ONE CAN MUSTER UP, and a journal.
When things get the worst of your mind it is best to approaching yourself by “neutralizing” the toxic thinking and actions with more growth-oriented thoughts. We will explore various techniques to calm your thought patterns and stabilizing your technical abilities during performance.
Discussion 203: Meditations/Exercises to develop Unlimited Self
Materials: An OPENED mind and your deepest DESIRES!
This unique class helps the performer access their hidden potentials with constructive meditations and exercises. We all have the ability to become masters of ourselves by defining and overcoming our limitations then transforming them with simple, easy to do steps. We will watch parts of Robin Williams’ “WHAT DREAMS MAY COME” to gain insight on how to view something from an artistic perspective. Learn how to be guided by yourself and take control of your growth.
Exercise 101: Creating good warm-up and practice habits
Materials: A strong yet flexible mind!
Do you feel stuck in your practicing or have you plateaued in your performance? Do you continually make the same mistakes over and over? Do your fears shape your actions, or cause to not take any action? Do you really want to grow? Learn how to identify and resist bad behaviors and overcome the most stubborn hurdles as we explore new daily warm up’s for our minds, bodies and instruments!
Oboe Maintenance and Repairs
Materials: Information packet, oboe/reeds, screwdriver and cigarette paper.
Presented by Brian Seaton, of North American Oboe House and formerly of OboeWorks and Paul Covey Oboes, this highly sought after specialty class will cover the essential “do’s and do not’s” of instrumental care and maintenance as well as making your own adjustments. Never fear your oboe again!
*Reed Class: Reed-Making for Beginners ($35 paid separately)
Materials: Journal, Reeds, Oboe and a set of lips and lungs.
Do you ever wonder how reeds are made? This hands-on basic reed-making class will give the player a solid idea of what’s involved. Fear no more, you will develop a general understanding of the mystery of making this small piece of wood into a treasure! All materials will be supplied for the class; all items may be purchased for future use.
+Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders
Materials: Oboe, reeds, music and your best recording device.
Everyone is allotted 30 minutes of rehearsal time with our pianist, which will take place in the performance space if scheduling allows. It is strongly suggested to record this rehearsal to help solidify performance practice and overcome nerves!
Additionally, everyone that attends the full week is allotted a 30-minute private oboe lesson with George Corbett. Players will be assessed as to what they need to be focusing on to get the quickest results.
*Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton $85/hour
As a top-notch repairman in the country, Brian is making his services available to us in Norfolk, as he does every year! Take advantage of this great opportunity by reserving your time to have your instrument reviewed, adjusted and repaired if necessary. Payments are to be made directly to Brian Seaton for any repair work. Appointments, scheduled through George Corbett, are not included in the Oboe Holiday pricings but are to be signed up and paid for separately.
Repertoire Class
Materials: Information packet, music, oboe/reeds…and all your nerves!
Each participant will be given opportunities to perform their prepared selections with a professional pianist, Lee Jordan-Anders, culminating with a recital, with the ultimate goal of getting the performer connected with the music and in the “ZONE!” Constructive criticisms will be offered from everyone attending to help the performer overcome performance nerves, recognize growth patterns and feel support from their colleagues. Participants may arrange 30 minutes of private rehearsal time with pianist.
Specialty: The Piece as a Whole
Materials: Your music…especially the piano part!
Presented by Lee Jordan-Anders, this class will assist the participant in how to perceive the larger process of preparing a solo piece, creating a more cohesive product when playing with a pianist. This Power Point presentation that presents three examples of oboe literature is ideal for everyone, as we all will be performing with Lee throughout Oboe Holiday!
Student Recital and Reception
Materials: Delicious treats, happy oboists, family/friends,
Instrument/reeds/music and a great performance space!
This performance is the culmination point of the week enabling the participants to use much of the information that they have absorbed during the week. Participants will perform selections worked on during the repertoire class. The setting is in Lee’s beautiful modern house artfully decorated with a unique presentation area. This is our final showcase of our budding stars!
Address: 1411 Stockley Gardens, Norfolk, Virginia, 23517.
* Not included in the Oboe Holiday package pricing and must be signed up for separately.
** All classes take place in the Ghent area of Norfolk; additional materials may be purchased during the week. Please bring a notebook, music, instrument and reeds. Each day we will include a 20 minute break at 2:10 PM with light refreshments. Doors open at 11:45 AM for daily classes; please pick students up by 5:15 PM. Always leave your shoes at the door when entering the space. Thanks!
Hello. I recently came across your website which I found very interesting and useful. I appreciated reading your commentary about flow and resistance and body alignment and so on. I am interested in your oboe holiday workshop. Could you tell me though what the age level of the particpants are? I am older but have played the oboe as a serious amateur for a long time. While I am accomplished in some ways, I am struggling with my embouchere, support, and tension. Thank you for the website. Sally Cornell
Thanks so much for visiting my website! I am delighted to be able to reach out to so many people. The summer program that I offer is for all students of all levels. Last summer I had a beginner in my class that was able to keep up with the most advanced student as I relate every concept to all levels of ability. My oldest student that attended was a 64 year old amateur. It was a pleasure to connect with everyone at Oboe Holiday.
I will be coming out with this years program rather soon. It will take place at my location in Norfolk, Virginia. If you are interested to attend and not within easy commuting distance then I can suggest some accommodations for you. Please let me know if this interests you.
Thanks again for being in touch! Sincerely,
Hello. George. It isn’t till this very moment that I read your response. My summer is notw tied up, but I will keep in touch for your next workshops. I am very interested in attending. Sally Cornell
I was review some old emails this morning and came across yours. Camp is on for this week if you are interested in attending. Please call me at 757-627-9931 if you have any questions or would like to register for this week or any portion of the week. If not, there will be other years to come. Hope to meet you sometime.