Oboe Holiday 2016, June 20-24

Facilitated by George Corbett

Oboe/English Horn, Virginia Symphony Orchestra


Class Schedule (subject to change)


Monday, June 20, 12-5 PM

12:00 PM        Discussion 101: Introductions, Evaluations and Goals

1:00 PM          Discussion 101: Service to the Creator as Sculptors of Vibration

2:00 PM          Exercise 101: Warming up your body for performance

2:30 PM          Embouchure 101: Upper lip structure and function

3:30 PM          Repertoire Class: Solos


Tuesday, June 21, 12-5 PM

11-12 PM        +Rehearsals, lessons with George Corbett

12:00 PM        Discussion 201: Elements of Expression

1:00 PM          Exercise 102: Reed crowing and long tones

2:00 PM          Embouchure 102: Lip buzzing and turning on your sound

3:30 PM          Repertoire Class: Duets and trios

5-6 PM            +Rehearsals, lessons with George Corbett


Wednesday, June 22, 12-5 PM

11-12 PM        +Rehearsals, lessons with George Corbett

10-12 PM        * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton

12:00 PM        Exercise 103: Maintaining Mental Focus

1:00 PM          Reed Class: Reed Care and Selection

2:00 PM          Discussion 301: Think like a Composer

3:30 PM          Repertoire Class: Solos, duets and trios

5-9 PM            * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton

5-6 PM            +Rehearsals, lessons with George Corbett


Thursday, June 23, 12-5 PM

11-12 PM        +Rehearsals, lessons with George Corbett

10-12 PM        * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton

12:00 PM        Discussion 401: Sight Reading Skills

1:00 PM          Exercise 104: High note fingerings and spontaneous practice

1:30 PM          Specialty: The Making of an Oboe

Presented by Brian Seaton of North American Oboe House

3:30 PM          Repertoire Class: Solos, duets and trios

5-9 PM            * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton

5-6 PM            +Rehearsals, lessons with George Corbett


Friday, June 24, 12-4, 5:30-7:30 PM

12:00 PM        Repertoire Class: Solos, Duets and Trios

2:30 PM          Discussion 501: Audition preparation and reducing stressors

4:00 PM          Discussion 102: Review of evaluations and reed touch-ups

7:00 PM          Student Recital and Reception



Oboe Holiday 2016

Class Description and Fees**

Entire series: $450

By day: $95


Discussion 101: Introductions, Evaluations and Goals

Materials: Journal, Pencil…and an open mind!

This class is geared towards celebrating yourself by learning to be your own guide by evaluating your own growth as well as setting yourself on a path for not only the week but also for your year! You will definitely learn how to level out your playing abilities.


Discussion 101: Service to the Creator as Sculptors of Vibration

Materials: A broader perspective!

Performing music is a totally creative process, from the concept of a composition to the making of an oboe. Each stage of sculpting a vibrational performance is discussed as a means of becoming more connected to an artisan essence.


Discussion 102: Review of self-evaluations and reed touch-ups          

Materials: Journal, pencil…and your willingness to be present!

By keeping the focus on the learning, students will get a chance to share what they have learned with their individual process as well as from their colleagues. We will tie into that all of the topics presented during the week as well as review individual goals. I personally touch-up any reeds needed for the student recital.


Discussion 401: Sight-reading skills

Materials: Your eyeballs, fingers, oboe, reeds, and random music.

Sight-reading can be the most frightening element of performance to you a young, and even professional, performer as it clearly shows all weaknesses and fatigue. Learn to practice the taking in of information and transforming it immediately through your oboe…learn to operate from your unlimited abilities!


Discussion 201: Elements of Expression

Materials: Your perceptions, ability and potential!

This is very unique way to look at oneself with the intention of major growth. As a musician we are sculptors of vibrational sound energy. We discuss all of the tools that we have to learn how to shape our performance from basic rhythm to putting “color” into our sound and “shaping” a phrase…all to create a more transcendent musical experience!


Discussion 203: Audition Preparation and Reducing Stressors

Materials: The will to succeed and a whole bunch of commitment to your growth!

We all have the ability to become masters of ourselves by defining and overcoming our limitations then transforming them with simple, easy-to-do steps. Learn how to be guided by your impulses and take control of your growth. Learn how your mistakes in performance can help guide you up the ladder of success. Come up with your own plan, unique to you, for taking that audition…and feel great about your process!


Discussion 301: Think like a composer

Materials: all of your musical resources

We will take a musical composition and dissect it, breaking it down into digestible components of how it was intended for thought, feeling and form. Really learn to envision and play from the sculptor of a composition.


Embouchure 101: Upper lip structure and function

Materials: Reed and oboe

Our upper lip helps us to create our vibrational “color” as we play. Learning how to utilize our upper lip to create a variety of sounds is the main focus of the unique class.

Embouchure 102: Lip buzzing to liberate your sound

Materials: A good breath, diaphragmatic support, and your pursed lips

This is a basic technique that derives from brass players but formatted for the evolving oboist. Buzzing your lips in a controlled manner can heighten embouchure awareness and strengthen your embouchure for a more ideal environment for your reeds.


Exercise 101: Warming up your body for performance

Materials: Your body!

Since our bodies are part of our instruments we need to condition them to operate for optimal performance. A variety of stretches and movements will be explored to maximize your ability for playing your instrument.


Exercise 102: Reed Crowing and Long Tones

Materials: a good reed and an oboe.

Preliminary performance techniques are discussed in this class: learning to crow your reed properly for a more controlled vibration and employing the ever-valuable long-tone exercises…but perhaps with added features and a new twist! Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of the basics!


Exercise 103: Maintaining Mental Focus

Materials: Your mind, body and spirit!

We are only as good as our ability to stay focused! A variety of exercises, both mental and physical, will be presented to help gain and maintain our presence, not only in performance but even away from our instruments. This unique class helps the performer access their hidden potentials with constructive meditations and exercises.


Exercise 104: High note fingerings and spontaneous practice

Materials: Oboe, Reeds, and your fear of high notes!

Do you find it hard to remember crazy, awkward fingerings? Have you ever simply forgot what the fingering was for any high note? This class gives you the basics on how high notes are fingered and a great technique for remembering them in just a short period of time.


Lessons with George Corbett

Everyone attending Oboe Holiday will receive a private coaching with George Corbett, oboist with Virginia Symphony Orchestra. Full-week participants will receive a 40-minute lesson while single-day participants receive a 20-minute lesson. Scheduling will take place during the first day for all private lessons for the week.


Reed Class: Reed Care and Selection

Materials: Journal, Reeds, Oboe and a set of lips and lungs.

We really do need to take care of our reeds in special ways for a long and healthy life. Have you every chosen a reed to play for a concert then realize that you have a much more suitable one in your reed case. Optimal characteristics of a well-functioning reed will be discussed and demonstrated.


*Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton $85/hour

As a top-notch repairman in the country, Brian is making his services available to us in Norfolk, as he does every year! Take advantage of this great opportunity by reserving your time to have your instrument reviewed, adjusted and repaired if necessary. Payments are to be made directly to Brian Seaton for any repair work. Appointments, scheduled through George Corbett, are not included in the Oboe Holiday pricings but are to be signed up and paid for separately.


Repertoire Class: Solos, Duets and Trios

Materials: Information packet, music, oboe/reeds…and all your nerves!

Each participant will be given opportunities to perform their prepared selections with each other, culminating with a recital, with the ultimate goal of getting the performer connected with the total creative process. Constructive criticisms will be offered from everyone attending to help the performer overcome performance nerves, recognize growth patterns and feel musical and emotional support from their colleagues. Private coaching/rehearsals with George Corbett will take place before and/or after daily classes.


Specialty: The Making of an Oboe

Materials: Your curiosity and creative spirit.

Presented by Brian Seaton, of Oboe House and formerly of OboeWorks and Paul Covey Oboes, this specialty class will cover the essentials of making an oboe in all of its stages, with raw materials. Brian, a master craftsman, performs on the oboe that he personally made himself! Additionally, he has created a new student model of his own that plays just like a professional grade oboe! Come see how he does it!!!


Student Recital and Reception

Materials: Delicious treats, happy oboists, family/friends,

Instrument/reeds/music and a great performance space!

This performance is the culmination point of the week enabling the participants to use much of the information that they have absorbed during the week. Participants will perform selections worked on during the repertoire class. Location TBA.



* Not included in the Oboe Holiday package pricing and must be signed up for separately.


** All classes take place in the Ghent area of Norfolk; additional materials may be purchased during the week. Please bring a notebook, music, instrument and reeds. Each day we will include a 30 minute break at 3 PM with light refreshments. Doors open at 11:45 AM for daily classes; please pick students up by 5:15 PM. Always leave your shoes at the door when entering the space. Thanks!