Oboe Holiday 2008
June 24 – 28
Class Schedule (subject to change)
Tuesday, June 24, 12-5 PM
12:00 PM Discussion 101: Overcoming Resistance
1:00 PM Reed Tests: Choosing the Right Reed
2:30 PM Embouchure exercises: The upper and lower lip functions
3:30 PM Repertoire Class with Lee Jordan-Anders, piano
Wednesday, June 25, 12-5 PM
10-12 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders
12:00 PM Discussion 101: Resistance and Overcoming Fears
1:00 PM Breathing 101: Basic Techniques of Breathing and Meditation
2:30 PM The Unaccompanied Solo
3:30 PM Repertoire Class
5-6 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders
Thursday, June 26, 12-5 PM
10-12 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders
10-12 PM * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton
12:00 PM Discussion 101: Your Practice Environment and Techniques
1:00 PM The Unaccompanied Solo
2:30 PM Basic Interval Training
3:30 PM Repertoire Class
5-9 PM * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton
5-6 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders
Friday, June 27, 12-5 PM
10-12 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders
10-12 PM * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton
12:00 PM Breathing 102: Awakening the Breath
1:00 PM Oboe Maintenance and Repairs
Presented by Brian Seaton of North American Oboe House
3:30 PM Repertoire Class
5-9 PM * Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton
5-6 PM +Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders
Saturday, June 28, 12-5 PM
12:00 PM Reed work/Touch-ups
2:00 PM Repertoire Class
4:00 PM Discussion 101: Group Sharing and Review
7:30 PM Student Recital and Reception
Oboe Holiday 2008
Class Description and Fees**
Entire series: $375
By day: $75
Basic Interval Training
Materials: Your best listening ears…and your singing voice!
Performing your best involves understanding the aural distance between two pitches. Perfect 4ths and 5ths as well as the difference between whole and half steps and major and minor are the primary focus. Ultimately, this will guide you to playing in tune.
Breathing 101: Basic Techniques of Breathing and Meditation
Materials: Information packet, Breath Builder ($15), Conable: The Structures
and Movement of Breathing ($8).
This class will review the Body Mapping of the breathing apparatus to gain awareness of movement during breathing as well as develop breathing skills for performance, greater focus and relaxation…good for the performer and non-performer alike! Learn the essentials of a three-part breath as well as the use and function of our 3 diaphragms. Exercises on the Breath Builder show how one can develop better breath control. Multiple exercises are presented to teach the participant how to free the breath.
Breathing 102: Awakening the Breath
Materials: Your body and a clear mind!
The focus here will be on activating better breathing, especially in preparation for performance. The raising of the ribs helps maintain optimal support so that the emboucher can better function. Techniques to energize the body are discussed.
Discussion 101: Group Sharing and Review
Materials: Journal, Pencil…and willingness to be present!
Group sharing of personal thoughts maintains the focus on the learning process. Part of the discussion is dedicated to what the student has learned from other participants. Review of all journaling exercises is encouraged.
Discussion 101: Overcoming Resistance
Materials: Journal, Pencil…and an open mind!
This class is geared towards celebrating yourself by learning to be your own guide through viewing individual resistance patterns, how they surface as well as techniques for overcoming them. Written homework assignments allows for self-reflection to clarify focus on personal goals.
Discussion 101: Resistance and Overcoming Fears
Materials: Journal, pencil…and your worst performance nightmare (or two)!
Our fears often shape our actions, or lack thereof. Common particular fears will be addressed and techniques will be offered to help understand their importance as well as overcome them. How does your fear get hold of you and how can you tackle it? Identification is the first step in overcoming them….then doing what it is that you fear follows shortly thereafter.
Discussion 101: Your Practice Environment and Techniques
Materials: Journal, pencil…and a plan!
Suggestions will be offered to help the student develop and maintain a healthy and productive environment for successful practicing. Particular techniques are discussed to develop optimal practice skills. Making friends with your metronome and tuner are emphasized, both with and without your instrument.
Discussion 101: Group Sharing and Review
Materials: Journal, pencil…and your willingness to be present!
Group sharing of personal processes is intended to keep the focus on the learning. Students will get a chance to share what they have learned with their individual process as well as what they have learned from their colleagues.
Embouchure exercises: The upper and lower lip functions
Materials: Journal, oboe/reeds and a set of lips and lungs.
Developing awareness of the placement and function of the upper and lower lips is vital to the performing oboist (mostly in maintaining sanity!). Exercises will be discussed in developing these small muscles to help create a better quality of tone production.
Oboe Maintenance and Repairs
Materials: Information packet, oboe/reeds, screwdriver and cigarette paper.
Presented by Brian Seaton, of North American Oboe House and formerly of OboeWorks and Paul Covey Oboes, this class will cover the essential “do’s and do not’s” of instrumental care and maintenance as well as making your own adjustments.
*Private Lessons with George Corbett $50/hour
Private lessons are signed up separately for 30, 45 or 60-minute time slots and are available in the late mornings and early evenings during the week of OBOE HOLIDAY.
Reed Tests: Choosing the Right Reed
Materials: Journal, Reeds, Oboe and a set of lips and lungs.
Do you ever wonder how to choose the right reed for a performance? Reed tests will be discussed in how to choose the very best reed to play. When in doubt, simply give it the wall test…..if it survives, then it definitely not the one to use!
Reed work/Touch-ups
Materials: Reeds, reeds and more reeds! …and maybe your oboe!
Time is allotted for everyone to try their reeds in front of the group to set examples of how to choose the best reed. I will personally touch-up any reeds needed for the student recital to allow for the best outcome. Reed scraping techniques will be discussed during touch-up’s.
+Rehearsals with Lee Jordan-Anders
Materials: Oboe, reeds, music and your best recording device.
This year everyone is allotted 30 minutes of rehearsal time with our pianist, which will take place in the performance space. Recording this rehearsal will help solidify performance practice and overcome nerves!
*Repair Appointments with Brian Seaton $75/hour
As a top notch repairman in the country, Brian is making his services available to us in Norfolk! Take advantage of this great opportunity by reserving your time to have your instrument reviewed, adjusted and repaired if necessary. Payments are to be made directly to Brian Seaton for any repair work. Appointments are not included in the Oboe Holiday pricings and are to be signed up for and paid separately. Appointments are taken by George Corbett.
Repertoire Class
Materials: Information packet, music, oboe/reeds…and all your nerves!
Each participant will be given opportunities to perform their prepared selections with a professional pianist, Lee Jordan-Anders, culminating with a recital, with the ultimate goal of getting the performer connected with the music and in the “ZONE!” Constructive criticisms will be offered from everyone attending to help the performer overcome performance nerves, recognize growth patterns and feel support from their colleagues. Participants will get 30 minutes of private rehearsal with piano.
The Unaccompanied Solo
Materials: Oboe, reeds, etude/exercise or unaccompanied solo
As the most challenging aspect of performance the student will learn to make themselves completely available to the music but letting the music play thru their bodies. This class will assist in developing insights into personal performance and musical knowledge in addition to understanding how to “accompany” themselves.
Student Recital and Reception
Materials: Delicious treats, happy oboists, family/friends,
Instrument/reeds/music and a great performance space!
This performance is the culmination point of the week enabling the participants to use much of the information that they have absorbed during the week. Participants will perform selections worked on during the repertoire class. The setting is in a beautiful modern house artfully decorated with a unique presentation area. This is our final showcase of our budding young starlets! Reception to follow.